Welcome to The Mulberry Bush Montessori Nursery.
The Mulberry Bush will welcome everyone back on Monday 4th November. Our last day of the Winter term is Friday 20th December.
Funding guidance is now available for all parents to read. The link below explains your entitlement. Please read carefully before filling out your parent declaration forms.

We have been asked to share this information with you regarding any concerns you may have about your child’s Speech and Language development. At the Mulberry Bush, we are dedicated to observing and planning activities that support your child. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to chat to one of us. We have many years of experience and training in communication and language, including Elklan trained members of the team; Leander is our Speech and Language coordinator at The Mulberry Bush, and is always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here are some other great sites to support your child’s learning and development through songs, stories and rhymes!

BookTrust transforms lives by getting children and families reading. www.booktrust.org.uk

TLC is an Essex campaign helping parents, carers and families give their young children the best start to life, developing their communication skills through playful learning at home. www.tlc-essex.info

Sensory Stories can benefit everyone; they can help encourage reluctant readers and stimulate a child?s imagination, as well as opening up the world of literature to children who otherwise would be excluded. www.essexice.co.uk

With a library of activities and resources for every stage of the learning journey, curated by the team at Oxford University Press, we are here with inspiration to help your little ones learn, grow and flourish at home, in the classroom and beyond. www.home.oxfordowl.co.uk
We’ve added some activities for you to download and print from home, these are continuously being added to, so keep an eye out! To do this, you must log in to your child’s Tapestry account through the browser, not the app as it doesn’t support this feature. Here’s a quick guide on how to get there:
- Log in to your child’s account at www.tapestryjournal.com
- On the first page you should see a ‘documents’ section (see picture 1), and click that.
- You should now see a list, this is our folders which we have tried to organise as best as we can! Click which folder you would like to see; for example ‘colours and shapes’ (picture 2)
- Lastly, you should see a green download button which you can click and either download to your device, or print.
The Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service (ECFWS)
Their Facebook page is continually updating, with help, advice and support for families.
For your information:
We can’t wait to welcome back our old friends, and meet our new ones!
Could we ask that you remember to:
-Ensure that you have a drawstring bag with a spare set of clothing at all times, clearly labelled please.
-Your child will need a coat, hat, gloves in the cold weather and a hat, sun cream and coat (just in case it is cold in the morning or if it rains in the summer (who are we kidding?! It nearly always rains in the summer!) wellies and a pair of slippers for indoors.
– Please make sure that you look regularly at your child’s Tapestry accounts; we are no longer using the small home link books. However, should you need to let us know something on the day, and you can’t let us know at the gate, please email Cheryl, or leave a message on The Mulberry Bush telephone number. Please do add your own photo’s and what you have been up to at home-we love to share these with the children and it provides a lovely link between home and nursery.
-Please remember to let us know if your child is off nursery, either by email or phone (you can leave a message too). This helps us to monitor any illnesses circulating and enables us to let families with vulnerable children know.
-Comforters are welcomed if needed, and can be put in your child’s bag.
-Toys and special items must stay at home.
– You can speak to your child’s key person at anytime, however, should you wish to have a more in depth discussion, please arrange a time that is convenient.